Adopting Darrell By Carol V. Weishampel

This book reminded me of how God equips and sends very exceptional people such as Ms. Weishample to care for children with special needs.
Darrell story is heart breaking. Premature, abused at birth, and facing countless physical and mental challenges, this precious child fought even as an infant to survive. God lovingly placed foster parents with huge hearts and mountain of commitment to care for him in his first few years.
The author was a single mom and had already adopted a child but was willing to open her heart and home to an infant with serious physical and medical needs. There is only one explanation and that is the one she shared: God had called her to do so.
This book is not only the heart wrenching story of Darrell’s difficult life. It is most of all testimony for our Heavenly Father’s love and care that surmounts all obstacles and paves the way for one who was totally helpless.
I hurt for Ms. Weishampel as she faced the maze of doctors, therapists, social workers, and agencies to get Darrell the very best of care. I was awed by her perseverance in the face of caring for mentally and physically handicapped child, with little sleep and in the addition to her other children. Her focus was on Darrell and the children, putting their needs before hers.
Her story is an amazing testimony of pure sacrifice. Her hope was focused on the Lord and her strength came from Him only, and she gives Him the glory for everything she did.
I was inspired by her faith, determination and incredible gift of putting others before herself no matter what the cost. This book is a must read!
I received this book free from Hannibal books . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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